Angel number 879 shows spiritual awakening, powerful energy and intuition.
A person with such a digital code should learn to control his thoughts because he has the ability to come true. 879 is a kind of portal that turns desires into reality.
Number 879 - What Does it Mean?
This number has an incredibly positive charge that can be used for development, but not all happy owners direct its beneficial deeds.
This is where the dark side of the truth lies, which can play a cruel joke. If a person abuses his opportunities, he can become a real bully and destroy the lives of many people.
Guardian angels give special clues that can warn, stop or, on the contrary, convinced that we are going in the right direction.
879 is called the number of angels, it has a huge charge of energy and mystical significance. The essence of his message is that the higher powers listen to our thoughts and protect.
The meaning of the number 879 lies in a new discovery, the rapid fulfilment like the flash of desire, the materialization of thoughts. We are changing and the world around us is also changing and striving to match us. The world changes first mentally and then physically.
If we look at the work of the number 879, we will see that the teacher seeks to raise the student to a new level, in turn, the student letting himself be taught, changes the teacher himself.
The two bodies, the higher spiritual and the lower physical, by reflecting themselves in themselves acquire the concept of oneness.
The Secret Meaning and Symbolism
When karma itself, realizing its bodily essence, does not suspect that it initiates the mechanism of its improvement or the desire to make itself more beautiful and more perfect.
It's similar to how women rush to estheticians and plastic surgeons to change their bodies, not realizing that the outer body is a reflection of our inner world.
If, however, the weakness that: all of this number show in financial matters. It stems from their inner conviction that they are always - or almost always - right.
As a result, they exaggerate their ability to invest successfully and perform other financial transactions. If they are not able to obtain specialized training in this area, then they will have to calm down more often and rely more on professional advice.
Usually, people with a birthday 879 are in good health. They work and play with the heart. However, they shouldn't overdo it, even if they don't know the measure. Sooner or later it will cause problems.
The disease can strike like a flash from the blue. However, later it will become clear that signs of an impending thunderstorm were still present.
People with an 879 birthday love to play sports that take a lot of effort to relieve stress. This is a further indication that they are naturally ready to burn out. After intellectual work, they prefer to relax by playing football or rugby, tennis or badminton.
Love and Angel Number 879
The square, expressed by the number 879, is not a solid, it is tolerances and variability, instability and the search for strength. It is the capacity for balance and compromise.
So, the quadrature or 4 acquires hardness by entering a new dimension and forming a tetrahedron, which is the universal particle of indestructibility.
One consciousness is the image of the real world, the second is a person's reaction to the environment. This is how the sensory energy of fantasy is generated, which allows a person to live and develop.
This awareness gives rise to shadows of fear due to its lack of understanding of the world order. Karma 879 of our inner body, which gives us a period of life or a supply of energy for development and the fight against darkness.
And the outer consciousness, when we look at ourselves in the mirror every day, we can see the changes that are evidenced by the result of our struggle. Aging skin speaks of the draining influence of darkness, of its ardour.
879 also, the outer or outer body does the same work as our inner body. The work consists of the awareness of oneself as a whole, supplemented by the space and the infinity of the internal content, which is expressed in the number 0.
And our conscious I, which is 0 in itself for the purpose of knowledge and deepening of concepts, this number 8. As we see here a perfect karma system in karma.
Interesting Facts About Angel Number 879
Since, according to Pythagoras, the unit is the head of the family of numbers (father), then men and women with the vibration of this number are usually loving parents.
And are particularly concerned about the preservation of the family as a dynasty. Thus, the birth of a child is a celebrated event not only because it is a joy in the house, but also because the continuity of generations in the family is ensured.
People with an 879 birth date are more likely to be very caring parents. They establish close contact with the children; over the years, the union grew stronger and withstood all trials.
Since such people seek to be in charge, they should be careful not to suppress the will of the child, even because of their great love for him.
These parents "always know best", they tend to tightly control every stage of their children and not gently guide their development.
Children grow up and need certain freedom to take their rightful place in the world, outside their home with a friendly atmosphere. Everyone needs comfort at home, and in this relationship, people with 879 birthdays are no exception.
But their ambitions are such that they are ready to sacrifice their home for a career. Therefore, they must remember that home is the best guarantee of peace and stability in their life.
While many of them like “everything that is beautiful,” they should avoid family friction due to lack of finances; it is better to temper your eagerness to buy than to run out of money. Granted, almost everyone with a birth date of 879 is a good employee.
See Angel Number 879
As for women, they return to work as soon as they raise their children, if they do not do so earlier. For the most talented people, the extra income is often good basic income support for the family.
When there is a shortage of money, a typical representative of this number, especially a man, feels uncomfortable; and it can create tensions in the family that overshadow an otherwise happy marriage.

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