Different things have different vibrating frequencies, and the nature or essence of each thing is determined by the vibrational frequency, just as the different colours we see are determined by light waves of different lengths.
This is exactly why the number 923 has its own vibration and special meaning for your life and your future.
Number 923 - What Does it Mean?
There are nine basic vibration levels - the nine notes produced by the instrument - to which the numbers 923 are assigned throughout. Each string of the instrument represents a person, a place or an object.
Each vibrates at its own frequency, producing its own faint sound, joining the sounds of other strings, the sum of which creates a common note, which the Universe sounds at that particular moment.
A person's name reflects their characteristic "note", since the name contains the essence of a human being.
But in addition to this, a person is strongly influenced by the number of his birth, because the general tone of the vibration of the Universe inevitably leaves an imprint on his fate and character.
Esotericism of numbers. This image of the universe has been greeted with enthusiasm by modern occultists, although it is not new to the occult. It goes back to Pythagoras and the discovery of the relationships between musical intervals.
Probably, it was Pythagoras who discovered that the musical intervals are known in his day - octave, fifth and fourth - can be expressed by the ratio between the numbers 9, 2, 3. The pitch of the sound will depend on the length of the string. . the caller.
A real macho man, a man with number 923 in numerology, always enjoys popularity and favour with women. He attracts with his irrepressible energy, assertiveness and ambition help him take a significant place in business circles, and as a result, he seems to be a treat for wealthy husband hunters.
These men are impulsive and impulsive. Fallen in love, they are able to do rash actions with common sense, in the name of the object of passion.
Even being in a marriage that is successful in terms of compatibility, such a man is able to break off relationships in the name of a new sexual passion.
These people still have funds, they waste a lot and do not know how to save. But the desire to indulge their whims does not prevent Units from enjoying the material benefits of life in the required volume.
Compatibility: friendship and family. Numerology units infect with their thirst for life and optimism. They have a lot of friends because boredom doesn't get along with them.
There is no definitive compatibility for both sexes - this number is unpretentious and suitable for everyone. The value of love (friendship) for them is huge, all actions are aimed at proving their loyalty to a loved one.
If both direct their potential towards establishing family links, the family of both spouses will take over of paramount importance and will be rightly regarded as exemplary.
The Secret Meaning and Symbolism
They have great leadership qualities, they have great ambitions, and a lot of strength and energy, at the same time, soft properties are inherent in their character: reverie, sensitivity, art.
Those born in 923 are very sociable and cheerful people who like to share their good humour with others.
As if Providence itself was pouring love, money, health and good humour into them. These people are known as generators of ideas, engines of progress, and Numerology 923 as creative natures. They work well as a team, their quick wit, personal ideas, plans and proposals give an effective result in any business.
The 923, the famous German philosopher, historian, sociologist and political scientist Max Weber, honoured and talented Russian theatre and film actor Valery Mikhailovich Dolzhenkov, Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II, a famous statesman and political figure Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov ( Lenin) were born.
Individuals with the vibration of this figure create history, create new directions in culture and contribute to the development of society and many areas of its activity.
In numerology, these people are listed as windy people who don't bother with any obligation.
They need new knowledge, versatile communication, new places and environments. But when they feel restlessness, the saturation of the free, then they will find a safe haven, a reliable rear and a faithful companion on the path of life.
Numerology 923, in addition to everything, has the meaning of action, of making fateful decisions. The number has enormous energetic power. For example, the numerology of dates presents it as a strong and sure number.
If a person needs to conduct an important, serious and independent business or to make a responsible personal decision, the 923rd will be the most favourable for such actions.
It is also well suited to household chores. From an esoteric point of view, a man (923) and a woman (20) live in each of the peoples.
Translated into the language of numbers, 923 is masculine within a person. There are women in whom the masculine prevails, and there are men with a pronounced feminine principle. Those born on 923 have a stronger will.
During this period of World War II, soldiers of the Soviet army liberated a large number of cities from fascist invaders, which had a positive meaning in the subsequent lives of the inhabitants and their descendants.
The steam locomotive was first introduced by the English inventor, the initial postal correspondence was carried out in Russia.
The meaning of the twenty-first digit is central, in that colossal changes are taking place, the outcome of which depends on the disposition and goals of the people who made these changes.
Love and Angel Number 923
The outcome can be happy or unhappy, depending on how well the presented opportunity was used. You can infinitely list the important and fatal moments associated with the number 923. It represents the meaning of luck, luck, new opportunities, goals and aspirations.
Even in ancient China, the number twenty-one is associated with the first brightest star in the sky. When we see such a star, we always make the dearest wish, and deep in our souls with impatience, like children, we wait and believe that it will come true.
So is our figure, it gives a person extraordinary hope for a number of good chances in his destiny. Having recognized a positive signal or sign, we ourselves can be guided and control our destiny.
There are two options: to accept and use the gifts offered or not to notice them, to pass, thus deprive yourself of something new and of luck.
The personal choice depends only on ourselves, to some extent - this number gives us the right to choose our lucky ticket in life, it is its sacred and magical power.
Odd numbers mean masculine, solar, active. Under the influence of such numbers, natural-born leaders and revolutionaries are born.
These are the people who change the course of history. For them, the end justifies the means. They are convinced of their own righteousness and act calmly and cautiously.
In numerology, such a contradictory combination means that a person has to work hard to complete his plan.
Along the way, there will be obstacles that he will overcome, however, self-confidence and inner strength are constantly tested. Due to his own closeness, he does not find understanding in others, who consider him arrogant.
Interesting Facts About Number 923
People whose birth and fate are associated with the number 923 are practical, reliable and always alert. They are smart and navigate easily in all situations. They are characterized by scientific abilities and reach new heights in this field.
They will have a great career in all fields, despite the villains' intrigues and obstacles. They are characterized by consistency and sequence of actions. They are often lucky.
But at the same time, the number 923, which symbolizes illogicality or madness, influences mystical talents. There are a great number of psychics and healers among these people. Angel number 923 is about religion and philosophy.
They are smart and punctual, Natural Born Creators, have a photographic memory. Ambition, activity and at the same time secret fears, complexes require perpetual movement, to go forward, to new conquests and achievements. They do not know peace and go through very hard setbacks.
People whose fate is associated with the number 923 will have a good career in any field. The energy of divine and sacrificial love associated with the number 923 is reflected in earthly relationships.
A person who has such a number feels the desire to love. However, this is hampered by logic and fear of losing balance, a stable existence will remain. Such fear prevents his essence from revealing itself, and he often remains alone.
But the energy of love requires an exit and an incarnation. The number 923 transforms it and transforms it according to the inclinations of the person. Instead of achieving personal happiness, this person seeks happiness for humanity.
Historically, these utopias end with bloodshed, revolutions and terror. In a smaller-scale version, this is achieved in the dedication of oneself to work, colleagues, students or hobbies.
See Angel Number 923
The contradictions between 9, 2 and 3 lead to the fact that the intimate life under the influence of 923 is characterized by mechanics and the absence of soul. Despite the desire to love, such a person fails to combine the spiritual and physical sides of Eros.
Sex for him only means the satisfaction of lesser needs. Due to this characteristic, he often has platonic hobbies. He idealizes the object of worship and is disappointed if it does not correspond to his ideas.
In Tarot 923, the major arcana is death, which means liberation from the old and birth into the new. In the zodiacal circle, the thirteenth hidden constellation - Ophiuchus - stands out. The year is made up of 52 weeks (923 lunar months).
In practical magic, thirteen controls the invocation of spirits. Kabbalah recognizes the favourable character of the number 923. In Central America and China, this number was considered sacred.
These data confirm that in the history of Western and Eastern cultures, 923 is not always recognized as unlucky or causing trouble.
Numerology also indicates strong vibrations of this figure. They exacerbate both the positive and negative qualities of the affected person.
For a selfish and immoral person, it will end badly. However, if you work on the bright sides of the character, thirteen will become a source of sacred energy and human happiness.
Pythagoras and his followers laid the groundwork for number theory with their work. The Pythagoreans divided them into several categories.
According to one of them, they divided the numbers into perfect and friendly numbers. Perfect were the numbers equal to the sum of their divisors, the friendly numbers, each of which is the sum of the proper divisors of the second number. In ancient times, numbers like this symbolized friendship, hence the name.
A strong-willed, self-confident woman - You can hardly call the weaker sex. This rebellious and stubborn Amazon chooses her man herself, whom she tries in every way possible to subjugate herself.
But if a man succumbs to her provocation and turns into a henpecked, then he quickly becomes uninteresting to her.
An active and capricious woman with a numerology number 923 is looking for a compatibility partner who will be her equal and will know how to curb her explosive and somewhat selfish character. She can avoid loneliness if she is flexible and condescending towards the chosen one.
Optimism and faith in the result attract the necessary partners for promotion in the Units. Whatever these enthusiasts do, they are always lucky.
Confident and persuasive, the 923 people are able to gain recognition and high social status.
They should only not neglect the help of the environment, be able to admit mistakes and not consider themselves superior to others.
Fate number 923, according to the description of numerology, gives the world inventors, travellers, pioneers, that is, people of action.
The main thing Units must learn is that they must trust their loved ones more and appreciate their love and respect.
The theory of a vibrant universe entered the occult in the 19th century, following the discoveries of the nature of light, electricity and magnetism.
At the turn of the century, physicists demonstrated the wave nature of light, indicating that electrical and magnetic impulses are also transmitted by waves.
During the same period, it was recognized that the molecules of all substances are in constant oscillatory motion. Based on this data, occultists developed the theory that everything in the universe vibrates and vibrates.

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